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Illustrator and InDesign DeepDive (Online)

In partnership with DATTA QLD and Inspired Education Australia, this tailored teacher training workshop will offer an all-inclusive session with practical, hands-on experience for teachers including foundational skills for Adobe Illustrator and InDesign, designed around task-based activities ready for the classroom. All tasks are designed to be implemented to suit various classroom teaching strategies and syllabus aligned delivery with supporting digital teaching resources.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Adobe/Creative Cloud/Illustrator/InDesign relevant classroom knowledge.
  • Difference between Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign.
  • Software capabilities, software UI and setting up to use in the classroom.
  • Skills and application: learn through play! (Task-based activities).
  • Hands on design exercise with a digital conversion on both applications.
  • Exploring the key tools in each application for classroom implementation.
  • Drawing using popular tools to create vector artwork, diagrams and logos.
  • Using layers and other key functions.
  • Creating and setting up portfolios and documents in InDesign.
  • Creating custom vector/raster and prototyping objects in Illustrator.
  • Exporting your work for difference devices, formats and printing options.
  • Learn how to setup for laser cutting with Illustrator alongside CAD programs with compatible files.
  • High fidelity tracing and image corrections.
  • Using vector brushes.

Inspired benefit: full video recording of all sessions, all digital files and resources shared with attending teachers with email support.

Got questions? Write to get@inspiredgrp.com.au

On offer is three sessions, as per the below dates in Term 2 on a Tuesday evening from 4.00pm-6.00pm. The course will be run on Zoom.

  • May 16
  • May 23
  • May 30

Please note that there are VERY limited spaces available for this program, and it is only open to members of DATTA Qld.

The cost is $550 (inc. GST) for the three webinars.


All attending teachers must use their own software log-ins and have Adobe CC installed, opened and tested on their own preferred device, ready to use. We highly recommend attending teachers to:

  • speak to the IT department for advice and usage parameters/log-ins
  • bring your own mouse for use and have two screens to follow along with the trainer.


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