
Teacher Excellence Awards

The DATTA Queensland Teacher Excellence Award program was established to recognise Design & Technology teachers (and other industry associates) who contribute to the profession, serve as models for their colleagues and demonstrate excellence in the classroom. It should be noted that the term “Design & Technology teachers” is meant to include all teaching areas in the subject area, including areas such as engineering and STEM.

The award serves to provide public recognition for Queensland Design & Technology teachers with candidates being nominated by their colleagues. They may also self-nominate.

Congratulations to the 2024 winners!

Design & Technology Teacher Award

Deirdre Dennys
Parklands Christian College, Park Ridge

Service to Design & Technology Education Award

Malcolm Lee

Teacher Excellence Awards 2024

General Information

The DATTA Queensland Teacher Excellence Award program was established to recognise Design & Technology teachers (and other industry associates) who contribute to the profession, serve as models for their colleagues and demonstrate excellence in the classroom. It should be noted that the term “Design & Technology teachers” is meant to include all teaching areas in the subject area, including areas such as engineering and STEM.

The award serves to provide public recognition for Queensland Design & Technology teachers with candidates being nominated by their colleagues. They may also self-nominate.

These awards are made each year and one of the awardees will become the Queensland nomination for the DATTA Australia Educator of the Year award, which is announced at their conference.


Award Categories
  • Design & Technology Teacher Award
    – meets all criteria and demonstrates excellence in classroom enactment.
  • Service to Design & Technology Education Award
    – exempt from all criteria. Examples of Nominees in this category can include: community member(s), long-time supporter(s) (Business or Individual), Teacher Aides and retired member(s) etc. who have supported the Design & Technology teaching area.

All candidates for a Teacher Excellence Award must be characterised as providing high quality, learner centered and relevant Technology & Design education instruction. Nominations for a Teacher Excellence Award must meet the following eligibility criteria.

The teacher:
  • must be certified to teach with the Qld College of Teachers
  • must be employed and working in a public, private or independent school in Queensland
  • must teach classes in Design and/or Technology education
  • nomination must be seconded by the school’s administration as a professional worthy of recognition.
Nominees must:
  • exemplify excellence in teaching; demonstrate an ability to engage students, have a sound knowledge and understanding of the technology curriculum and promote the area within their school and to the broader community
  • teach courses that represent good Technology and Design education using accepted state or national standards
  • be committed to continuing professional development
  • contribute to the profession through ongoing service.

The DATTA Qld Awards Coordinator and Secretary will evaluate each application according to the criteria set out above. Where the Awards Coordinator and Secretary cannot come to agreement over the award winner/s, the DATTA Qld President will make the final decision.

Applications for the DATTA Qld Excellence Award must be submitted to the Awards Coordinator and Secretary by the closing date. The 2024 nominations closing date is 5pm, Friday 24 May. Announcement and presentation of the 2024 DATTA Qld Excellence Awards will occur at the DATTA Qld conference dinner on the 13 June 2024.

Click on the button below to download the nomination form and further information.

Application Submission

Please use the nominees surname followed by the letters DATTAQEA (e.g. surnameDATTAQEA) when saving the application and email the file to the DATTA Qld Secretary (secretary@dattaqld.org.au)

Applications received after 5pm, Friday 24 May will not be considered.

Thank you for your support of DATTA Queensland